Virgin Trains Slogans

Advertising Slogans and Taglines(or mottoes) of Virgin Trains 2024

- Last updated: 2023-04-28 14:58:25

Light at the end of the tunnel. (1997)

Business brains take Virgin Trains. (1999)

Motoring from city centre to city centre. Business decisions don’t come any easier. (1999)

City centre to city centre (2001)

Getting back to business as usual. (2001)

Virgin Trains always go the extra mile. (2001)

A new beginning. (2002)

The return of the train. (2006)

Love every second. (2008)

Changing train travel for good. (2008)

Virgin Trains (legal name West Coast Trains Limited) was a train operating company in the United Kingdom owned by Virgin Rail Group.

What is Virgin Trains’s slogan?

Virgin Trains’s slogan is “Love every second.”

A slogan is a catchy or memorable phrase that captures a brand's identity and the overall message of its marketing campaign. Slogans demonstrate a brand's core values in just a few words, often using humor, emotion, and personality to emphasize their brand mission.

Slogans and taglines serve as concise representations of a brand’s identity. They are often the first thing potential customers encounter, leaving a lasting impression.


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