SloganList - advertising slogans and company slogans

A Collection of Advertising Slogans and Company Slogans 2024

Browse Slogans by Company or Brand

Best Slogans

HBO brand slogan

It's what connects us.

PlayStation brand slogan

eNoS Lives.

Procter & Gamble(P&G) brand slogan

Touching lives, improving life.

Tropicana brand slogan

Straight from the fruit.

Nescafe brand slogan

It all starts with a Nescafé.

Lamborghini brand slogan

For love of the car

Walmart brand slogan

Save Money. Live Better.

Chili's brand slogan

Like no place else.

Kia Motors brand slogan

The power to surprise

Volkswagen brand slogan

Think Small.

Honda brand slogan

The Power of Dreams

Pyrex brand slogan

Clever cooking.

Popular Slogans

Miles Away From ordinary.
Stronger, healthier gums.
The Legend Continues.
It's all about the beer.
Live head first.
It all starts with a Nescafé.
Customize Your Cup.
It starts with you!
Original jeans. original people.
Vorsprung durch Technik.
Do What You Can't.
Be more tea.
Like no place else.
We put safety above all
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Drinking Slogans

- Guinness is Good for You.

- It all starts with a Nescafé.

- Straight from the fruit.

- Australian for beer.

- Straight from the Kootenays.

- Look on the Harp side.

Food Slogans

- Love your heart.

- It's not just a mint.

- Britton loves Ryvita.

- Food. We get it

- The one for fun!

- No offence intended.

Restaurant Slogans

- Pizza deliver experts.

- Take n’ Bake Pizza.

- Eat it. Any time.

- All You Can Play.

- Yours Since 1968.

- Like no place else.

Automobile Slogans

- Life is a Journey. Enjoy the Ride.

- The Power of Dreams

- Think Small.

- For love of the car

- The power to surprise

- Inspired, at the highest level

Apparel Slogans

- Time To Shine

- Honest value for an honest dollar

- The finest jewellers in the city.

- Self xpression.

- Time is a luxury.

- Helps you say it better.

Technology slogans

- Make the most of now.

- Music for everyone.

- Share Your Success

- Exceed Your Vision.

- Get there faster.

- Live your moments.

Business Slogans

- Let's colour.

- It a big deal.

- Go With the Winner.

- Save Money. Live Better.

- We’ve got taste.

- Be a drummer.

Company Slogans

- Top Brands, Bottom Prices

- Touching lives, improving life.

- Turn to the Experts

- Simplifying home and life

- People in motion.

- Star of the American Road.

Beauty slogans

- For the freshest mouth ever

- A little dab'll do ya!

- Noxzema. Pretty. Smart.

- made by dermatologists

- Dove cleans beautifully.

- No More Tears

Household Products Slogans

- Keep the memories, but not the bacteria

- Earth Friendly Products

- We mean clean.

- Bound by Nothing

- Protect it and forget it.

- Hungry for clogs.

Financial Slogans

- The future of money

- Serving You Better

- Life, Beside You.

- We’re here to help

- Service Values Convenience

Tours & Travel Slogans

- It's Different

- ThamesLink. Just think.

- Most low fares, made easy.

- reviews you can trust

- Go Greyhound and Leave the Driving to Us!

- God enriches

Airlines Slogans

- A Great Way to Fly.

- You Above All.

- Being there is everything.

- And tomorrow, can you imagine?

- Life Well Travelled

- Journeys of Inspiration.

Sports & Games Teams

- Beyond Greatness

- Italian sport design

- Built to win.

- Time to Fly

- Run for Good

- Run happy.

A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a clan, political, commercial, religious, and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the goal of persuading members of the public or a more defined target group.

The Oxford Dictionary of English defines a slogan as "a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising."

Advertising slogans are short phrases used in advertising campaigns to generate publicity and unify a company's marketing strategy. The phrases may be used to attract attention to a distinctive product feature or reinforce a company's brand.

Most corporate advertisements are short, memorable phrases, often between 3 and 5 words. Slogans adopt different tones to convey different meanings.

a tagline (alternatively spelled tag line) is a short text which serves to clarify a thought for, or is designed with a form of, dramatic effect.

Many tagline slogans are reiterated phrases associated with an individual, social group, or product. As a variant of a branding slogan, taglines can be used in marketing materials and advertising.

Attention! All information on this website is provided for informational and educational purposes only. All information remains the property of their respective owners. All information is provided for academic research only. Commercial use is PROHIBITED!

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