Holland & Barrett Slogans

Advertising Slogans and Taglines(or mottoes) of Holland & Barrett 2024

- Last updated: 2024-05-23 10:32:16
Holland & Barrett Slogans

The natural choice for a healthier way of life. (1998)

Better than half price sale. (2003)

Hurry the clock is ticking. (2004)

Come for the price. Stay for the advice. (2008)

Compare & grab it. (2009)

We’re good for you. (2009)

The good life. (2013)

Holland & Barrett (H&B) is a multinational chain of health food shops with over 1,300 stores in 16 countries, including a substantial presence in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

What is Holland & Barrett’s slogan?

Holland & Barrett’s slogan is “We’re good for you.”

A slogan is a catchy or memorable phrase that captures a brand's identity and the overall message of its marketing campaign. Slogans demonstrate a brand's core values in just a few words, often using humor, emotion, and personality to emphasize their brand mission.

Slogans and taglines serve as concise representations of a brand’s identity. They are often the first thing potential customers encounter, leaving a lasting impression.

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