Ruler leader
Fit for a king
The end of a perfect day
It’s about quality, not quantity
Once the king always he king
Treat yourself royally
Royal lessons of leadership
Who could blame you
Ever see a grown man cry?
For every king a crown
New Crown Royal black smooth never felt so bad
Jealousy rears its ugly head
Crown Royal Texas unites us
The call could go either way
Show dad, you have inherited good tastes
Whiskey started maple finished
When it comes to great taste everyone has the same conclusion
World’s greatest dad
Define mediocrity
Exactly how many hints did you drop
Pure water is bottled the finest is crowned
Remind your father – he didn’t raise a cheap stake
For every king a queen
Make father’s day
You don’t give it you bestow it
Stop loving thy neighbours
Is it better to give or to receive
The end justifies the means
The Royal carriage
How to turn a simple party into a royal ball
Bold start velvet finish
Enjoy your quality sensibly
Give an ordinary ice cube its moment of glory
When you really get it all together
The chairman of the bars
A guest is someone you invite to your home. A friend is someone you share it with
Share your wealth
When you really get it all together
Love often comes with strings attached
Indulge somebody. It’s Christmas
Crown the moment. Put the best catch on ice
Introducing vanilla so good
The one made for a king
How the other half lives
Maybe you should start out buying it by the ounce
Adulting is hard
Set your standard
This must be the place
Who could blame you
Special hockey edition
Regal Apple smooth to the core
Work like a dog celebrate like a lion
What an incredible first half
Give generously and life will treat you royally
You know you want to
The ref needs classes
Great things are made in Manitoba
Let people reign
That’s a wrap know when to chill
Crown Royal, you’ve earned it
Smallmouth large mouth your mouth
It’s not Bourbon
Gift the throne
We make whiskey the Canadian way
Any given Sunday
Perfect nightcap
One dream no other plan
Oh Hell no
Crown Royal a.k.a. Seagram's Crown Royal is a blended Canadian whisky brand created by Seagram and owned by Diageo since 2000.
Crown Royal’s slogan is “ Fit for a king ”
Related Famous Taglines:A slogan is a catchy or memorable phrase that captures a brand's identity and the overall message of its marketing campaign. Slogans demonstrate a brand's core values in just a few words, often using humor, emotion, and personality to emphasize their brand mission.
Slogans and taglines serve as concise representations of a brand’s identity. They are often the first thing potential customers encounter, leaving a lasting impression.
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